Leading crypto-powered Brave browser has launched a blockchain-based video conferencing service to compete with Zoom.
This new video conferencing service will be currently available in North America before launching on a global base. The users of brave browsers of this region will have an inbuilt option in the browser to make unlimited and free video calls. According to the official tweet, this new service is based on open source program Jitsi.
This blockchain-powered service called ‘Brave Together” will offer an end to end encryption along with attractive features of share screen, browser tabs, and youtube videos. Furthermore, there would be no account sign-ups required to use this feature.
Lately, the demand for video conferencing has seen a sudden spike after the Covid-19 lockdowns. Popular video conferencing service Zoom has observed tremendous growth during this specific period. However, Zoom has been accused of many privacy and security concerns. The development of Brave Together will ensure free and completely encrypted services to users.
Brave is well known for its privacy centered approach and ranked on the top in the list of privacy-friendly browsers. The crypto-driven web browser usages Basic Attention Token (BAT) to support its service. Recently, the adoption of the Brave browser has seen enormous growth owning to numerous privacy issues with popular browsers such as Chrome and Edge.