Disney + Hotstar had been waiting for Indian users for quite some time. Its launch date was postponed once before. But now its launch date has been disclosed by the company on its Hotstar’s website. The company has released a video on the website that is finally appearing that Disney + Hotstar will be presented on April 3. It will be made available in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu language.
For this, Hotstar has also tweeted and informed. The company tweeted, “The biggest superheroes, magical stories, exclusive Disney + Originals are going to end. View all videos in your language. We have not received official information about its subscription charges. We will update you as soon as we know this time.
The biggest Super Heroes, magical stories for everyone, exclusive Disney+ Originals and all that you have been waiting for are landing on Disney+ Hotstar. April 3 onwards. Subscribe for a whole new world of stories in your language. #StayHomeStaySafe https://t.co/TlxTazsRRK
— Hotstar (@hotstartweets) March 31, 2020
The Curtain Razor has been held on April 2 for the launch of Disney + Hotstar under which The Lion King will be screened in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu at 6 pm. The Mandalorian will be screened in the English language at 8 o’clock in the night. Disney + Hotstar is being unloaded among users at a time when everyone is in the house due to lockdown. It can be assumed that it can get a good response from users.
Earlier, Disney+ was launched in the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland and Austria in Europe. The subscription charge for the UK and Europe is £5.99, or about Rs 541 per month. The annual charge is £59.99, or about Rs 5,416. There are about 500 films and more than 7,500 shows offered to users through Disney + streaming service.