Huawei has launched its flagship phone Huawei P 40 series. Under the P40 series, two smartphones have been introduced including Huawei P40, Huawei P40 Pro Plus, and Huawei P40 Pro. The Leica camera has been given on the phone of the Huawei P 40 series. Also, superb photography has been claimed. A 50 megapixels camera of 100 x zoom has been given in the Huawei P 40 series phone. Huawei has given 5x zoom in the telephoto lens of the P40 series phone, while usually, the telephoto lens does not get zoom.
Specification of Huawei P40 Pro
The smartphone has a 6.58-inch OLED display with a refresh rate of 90Hz and a resolution of 1200×2640 pixels. The phone also has an in-display fingerprint sensor. In addition, this phone has a 12 megapixels telephoto lens with 5x zoom. The second lens is an ultra-wide-angle of 40 megapixels, the third lens is the ToF sensor and the fourth lens is 50MP with optical image stabilization. The phone will get an audio zoom and bokeh in video mode. The phone has a 4200mAh battery that supports 27W of Wallace charging. In addition, the phone also supports the type-C charger of 40W.
Huawei P40, P40 Pro and P40 Pro+ price
The three phones have been introduced in the glossy white, black, blue, matte and gold color variant. The starting price of Huawei P40 is 799 Euros, P40 Pro 999 Euros, and P40 Pro+ 1,399 Euros. Out of the three phones, the P40 Pro + will have a storage of 512 GB, while the P 40 Pro will have a storage of 256 GB and P 40 in 128 GB. The trio phone has 8 GB RAM.
Huawei P40 Pro+ specifications
The smartphone will have a 6.58-inch octa Flexi display with a refresh rate of 90Hz. The phone will have a Kirin 990 processor which also supports 5g. Talking about the camera, this phone has an ultra vision camera of Leica with 50 megapixels, 40 megapixels, 8 megapixels, 8 megapixels, and a Tof sensor. Also, it has a color sensor. This way the phone has 6 rear cameras. The phone has a 4200mAh battery that supports 27W of Wallace charging. In addition, the phone also supports the type-C charger of 40W.
Huawei P40 specifications
The smartphone will have a 6.1-inch OLED display with a refresh rate of 60Hz. The smartphone has a Kirin 990 processor 3800mAh battery that supports fast charging of 22.5W. This phone has a triple rear camera setup with a Leica Ultra Vision 50 megapixels camera, another 16 megapixels and the third 8 megapixels. It has a 32MP selfie camera that can also record 4 videos.