Booking of trains will be superfast from today. Now, in just one minute, 10,000 train tickets will be booked simultaneously. So far, 7500 tickets are booked in a minute. In fact, union Railway Minister Piyush Goyal will launch the new IRCTC website at 12 noon today. This will further ease the booking of tickets online for train passengers. Millions of people book tickets daily on IRCTC website. Many a times, these e-ticketing websites hang or slow down. This sometimes causes distress to those who book tickets in emergency.
Railways is going to upgrade both IRCTC e-ticketing website and app. Railway Minister Piyush Goyal is set to launch the new website today. The new website will have more friendly ticket booking features. Bookings will also be much faster with a variety of changes. According to railway officials, the speed of ticket booking will increase after irctc website is upgraded and passengers will be able to book tickets faster than before. Irctc website will also add food and drink facilities.
We are working to enhance user personalization and facility in our e-ticketing website, “Indian Railways said. More than 10,000 tickets will be booked every minute from new websites. IRCTC’s new website will have much better features for travelers, making ticket booking easier. With ticket booking, there is a separate feature for the food book, which allows you to book the food you want.
There will be no problem of website hang even if there is more load. The website will have more ads than ever before, which is likely to give IRCTC more revenue.
IRCTC has also introduced a new post-paid payment option. This facility can be paid later by booking tickets from the IRCTC website. The passenger can book the ticket and make the payment within 15 days through e-payment or even within 24 hours of delivery of the ticket.