LG Electronics has launched the new budget smartphone LG Q52 in South Korea on Sunday. The phone has been made available for sale in the South Korean market at 290 dollars (about Rs 21,000). The sale of LG Q52 smartphones will commence from next Wednesday. LG Q52’s latest budget smartphone is the 5th smartphone to be offered under the Q series, which has been launched this year. When the phone will be launched in India. No announcement has been made on the part of the company at present. The LG Q52 smartphone will come with upgraded features, the best chipset with design. The company confirmed that the latest LG Q51 smartphone will not support 5G technology.
The LG Q52 comes with a 6.6-inch punch-hole display. The phone will come in single storage variants 4GB RAM and 64GB storage option. The phone’s space can be increased to 2TB with the help of a micro SD card. The phone will get a battery of 4,000mAh for Power backup. Q52 has an optical pattern design, which has been offered in premium smartphones. If it comes to photography, the LG Q52 smartphone will come with a quad rear camera setup. Its primary camera will come with a 48 MP main camera, 5MP wide lens, 2MP depth sensor, and 2MP macro camera. The phone has been given a 13MP selfie camera on the front panel.
The LG company is trying to bring its mobile business back on track through budget smartphones. The LG Mobile Communications Business Division has announced a loss of 206 billion won in the second quarter of this year. The company’s revenue declined by 18.9% to 1.31 trillion won from April to June this year over the previous year.