Oppo has finally launched its first smartwatch. It is named Oppo Watch. It looks like Apple Watch. It is in two sizes- 41mm and 46mm. It runs on custom versions for Color OS smartwatches based on Google’s Wear OS. The Oppo Watch features an AMOLED display and is featured in VOOC Flash Charge Fast Charging Technology. It also has eSIM support and 5ATM water resistance.
Oppo Watch (41mm) is priced at CNY 1,499 (approximately Rs 15,000) and is priced in three color options – Black, Gold and Silver. Coming to Oppo Watch (46mm), it is priced at CNY 1,999 (approximately Rs 20,000) and will come in two material choice. The aluminium model will be in black and will have a fluorber strap option with gold color. It also has a stainless steel variant with a leather strap option. It is priced at CNY 2,499 (approximately Rs 25,000). At present, no information has been provided in terms of its availability in the international market. Its sale in China will start from March 24.
Oppo Watch Features and Specifications:
It has a curved flexible AMOLED display and two physical buttons on the side. While the 41mm variant of the watch features a 1.6-inch AMOLED display with a 320×360 pixels resolution, the 46mm variant has a 1.91-inch display with a resolution of 402×476 pixels. The watch runs on Oppo’s ColorOS custom skin. Currently, it is compact for Android phones and is in progress to add support to the iOS ecosystem.
Oppo Watch comes with a Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2500 processor. It also has a Apollo co-processor. It switches from Qualcomm processor to Apollo processor for power saving needs. When it comes to features, it can track a lot of workouts. The 46mm variant is 5ATM water resistance and 41mm variant sits with 3ATM water resistance. It also has a function of sleep monitoring and 24×7 heart rate monitoring.
The most important thing is that it has eSIM support. Users can also link their old number or freely use the eSIM facility with another number. It also has a music playback feature. Its 41mm variant has a 300mAh battery and a 430mAh battery in the 46mm model. The Oppo Watch also has 1GB of RAM and 8GB of storage.
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The new Oppo Watch supports VOOC flash charge technology. The company claims that it can be charged full in just 75 minutes. It can be run for 18 hours in 15 minutes of charging.