Realme has launched the first 5G smartphone Realme X50 Pro 5G in India. Which is available for sale on e-commerce website Flipkart from 24th February. With the launch of the phone, the company has also disclosed the launch date of its coming device Realme Fitness Band. The device will be launched in India on March 5.
So far, many leaks and teasers have come to the fore. It is important that through realme Fitness Band, the company has prepared to step into the wearable market. These fitness bands can hit the Mi Band 4 and Honor Band 5 in the market.
There’s 1 more surprise, can you guess what it is?
Stay tuned for the big reveal on 5th March.— realme (@realmemobiles) February 24, 2020
Realme Fitness Band was spot in the hands of company CEO Madhav Seth during the launch event of Realme X50 Pro 5G. This is not the first time that madhav Seth’s hand was seen in this band. Even before that, yellow color this band has been seen in their hands many times. The company has now informed through a post on its official Twitter account that the Realme Fitness Band will launch in India on March 5.
However, the company has not yet disclosed the features of Realme Fitness Band. But it is clear from the teaser that these devices will be launched in yellow color variants. The company has also announced at the launch event of Realme X50 Pro 5G that the fitness band will be launched in India in the name of ‘ Realme Sayhat ‘. It will be given amoled monochrome screen with plastic body. According to Leaks, it can be given an OLED panel of 0.78 inches. Also, fitness tracking apps will be facilitated. The sleeping pattern will be available in this device as a special feature.