Xiaomi will launch two new smartphones Redmi Note 9 and Redmi Note 9 Pro on March 12 in India. The Redmi Note 9 Pro has been spotted on the US FCC website before launching. On the website it has been viewed from model number M2003J6A1G. This has brought out some new smartphone tales.
The FCC listing has made it clear that the Redmi Note 9 Pro smartphone will come with a 4,920mAh battery. This will be the largest battery ever given in the Redmi Note series smartphones. This phone will run on MIUI 11 based on Android 10. Earlier, the Geekbench listing also showed the Android 10 operating system in this smartphone. It has also emerged that the Redmi Note 9 Pro 30W fast charging and Wi-Fi 802.11b/2015.000/- G/n will support.
Expected Proce of Redmi Note 9 and Redmi Note 9 Pro:
The global vice president of Xiaomi and MD Manu Kumar Jain of Xiaomi India are continuously the forthcoming Redmi note series smartphones. Manu has ‘ 9 ‘ four times in a tweet, guessing that the initial price of the Redmi Note 9-series smartphones could be Rs 9,999. This price will be of the base variant of the Redmi Note 9.
Quad Rear Camera Setup:
In an online event on March 12, The Xiaomi will launch note 9 series smartphones in the Indian market. The company has already stated that the Note 9 lineup will get the quad rear camera setup.