The United States has consistently maintained its tough stand against Chinese company Huawei. The US had earlier banned ITS US exports, now banning all foreign subsidiaries, including its Indian subsidiary Huawei India.
What the U.S. State Ministry said
The U.S. State Ministry said that “Huawei is not a trustable company and is a product of the Chinese Communist Party,” adding that the U.S. government had banned Huawei in 2019 and included it on the entity list.
The United States on Tuesday released the ban’s entity list of foreign companies, including Huawei India. The US government wants Chinese telecom giant Huawei to not be able to do business in the US in any way.
Trump administration increases strictness
Trump’s administration has strongly raised the tightening of Huawei in recent months, with a complete ban on Huawei’s business in the United States. Huawei is famous for advancing technology, but the U.S. government says Chinese Communist Party leaders are using the company to pursue their own interests.
Risks on security!
Huawei and all its non-U.S. affiliates have also been included in the entity list. According to news agency Reuters, a notification issued by the U.S. Federal Register said that Huawei and its affiliates pose a risk to U.S. national security and foreign policy interests. Huawei India Private Limited has also been included in the list.
The U.S. Justice Department has even alleged that Huawei continued to steal American technology and helped Iran impose sanctions.