Mobile accessories brand AMANI has launched the new Bluetooth earphone ASP-BT-6310 in the Indian market. This Bluetooth earphone launched with compact design will feature many special features to users. The company claims that users will feel the crystal-clear sound quality. In India, this earphone has been launched with a price of Rs 999 and can be purchased from the company’s official website and stores. The company is providing 3-month warranty on the purchase of AMANI ASP-BT-6310 Bluetooth earphones.
Talking about the features of AMANI ASP-BT-6310 Bluetooth earphone, it has a compact design. The company claims that the device is capable of making users feel crystal clear sound quality. It will also provide you with noise-isolation feature as well as noise-cancelling microphones. While using this earphone, users can easily control music as well as make calls and receiving and cancellation.
The AMANI ASP-BT-6310 Bluetooth earphone has been given Bluetooth 4.0 for connectivity. Users can connect smartphones, tablets, laptops and other Bluetooth devices using Bluetooth connectivity. The company says the earphone can be charged full in less than 2 hours. Once charged it is able to give 6 hours of playback time. This earphone has a micro USB cable for charging.
Earlier, the company launched ASP TWS 615 (Review) wireless earbuds in the Indian market, priced at Rs 999. The company claims that it is capable of playing about 10 hours of music once charged. These earbuds that come with smooth design and glossy finishes can also be used to receive calls besides listening to music and are also very comfortable in use.
Yeah I was actually thinking to buy this one.